Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Number the Stars - Chapter 8

I LOVED our class discussion today. Several of you were making predictions at the end of Chapter 8. Annemarie says she is certain there is no Great-Aunt Birtie. What is your predicition?


  1. I think that something to do with the Jews is in that coffin. Or, I have a lurking suspicion that Peter might be in there.

  2. I think something might of happend to Peter. Or something to Ellen's parents.

  3. I think someone might not be in there but that Petter or a relitive.

  4. I think Peter took Ellen's Parents to Sweden. They rent a boat and sail over to retrive Ellen and live in Sweden for the rest of their lives.

  5. Somehow I think "Great Aunt Birte" is some kind of code for Ellen's parents. Just a thought.

  6. I think aunt Birde isnt real or she is not dead. Aunt birde may be the dad or Peter.

  7. I think Aunt BIRTE [Wyatt?] is a code for someone or something

  8. I think it may be a code or one of Ellen's Grandparents.

  9. I think that Great Aunt Berdie is not real and Mama and Hendrick are making her up just to cover for something else.

  10. I think that they were talking in code again. I am pretty sure they are talking about someone important to them and don't want the girls to know yet.

  11. I think that there is no such thing as Great Aunt Birte because Annemarie said she almost knew almsot of her realatives names and never heard of a Great Aunt Birte.And why would they put a casket in their livingroom?

  12. I think that they were talking in code. They probably didn't want Annemarie to know who she was.

  13. I think something happened to Peter or Ellen's ranch.And I think there is some secret code.

  14. I think that no one died and it was just a secret code.

  15. I know that Great-Aunt Birtie doesn't exist. I think that Peter died.

  16. I think there might be supplies for Ellen in the coffin.

  17. I still think Annemarie's dad or Peter is in coffin. All the girls mom, Annemarie,Ellen, and Kristen or Kirsti went to Inge's brother's house.
