Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Edward Tulane - Novel Study

What are some of the life lessons Edward learns on his journey, through good times and bad?


  1. Thank you for answering my qustion. Well I noticed that the story had to do with the story the grandmother told so I'm geussing that part of the answer.

  2. The life lesson learned in the story is that Edward should learn to be considerate and also learn to love people other than himself or else something bad will AGAIN happen to him.

  3. I think he learned a good lesson he learned that he has to be appriciative of what he has beacause it might not allways be there.I LOVE THIS BOOK! I am so anxious to keep reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I think he has learnd that he dose't love the people as much as they love him

  5. Well Edward learned he shouldn't love him self so much and to be thankful for what he has.

  6. Edward needs to take the love he is given and give love back and not just love himself .

  7. Edward learns that thinking your the best might lead you on the bottom of the ocean floor.

  8. I think he should be nicer in his thoughts, because I know I wouldn't want anybody saying that about me.

  9. I bet it is very good!

  10. I think be thankful of what you got.

  11. I think he has relized not to love himself sooo much and to be thankful for what he has!!!!
