Thursday, May 6, 2010

Book Corner

What book are you reading right now?
Tell me what it's about! :)


  1. I am reading the last olympian. It is about Percy Jackson and how he saved olympus.

  2. I am reading battle of the labyrinth. I read the 1st book and i was hooked.:)

  3. i am reading the battle of the labyrinth. I was hooked on the series.

  4. I am reading Pinky Pye. It is a very good book!

  5. I am reading Football Genuis. It's about a boy who has a mom that works for the Atlanta Falcons. He wants his Mom to get him an NFL football.

  6. I am reading the Lightning Theif and really enjoy it!

  7. I am reading 11 Birthdays and my birthday is June 23 2000

  8. I am reading Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and it is about cures that will help children learn how to enjoy to make their bed and things like that.

  9. Canterwood Crest, Its about a girl and her horse fight to keep up on the YENT even though she has a lot on her mined.

  10. I am reading the book you gave me. :0

  11. I am reading Much Ado About Anne. I really enjoy it! It is about all of these moms and daughters that have a book club! They all are friends and their moms invites a new mom and daughter to the book club. This girl has been mean to them their whole life. Will they all become friends are become father then friends then they are now!

  12. I am reading:
    a). The Runaway Dolls and it is great! It is the third book in the series about living dolls. This one won't make much since until you read to other ones. :)
    b). The Giver which I also love and it is by the same author as Number the Stars. It is about a perfect community that isn't very perfect at all. It is really good and I am almost dine with it. :)

  13. I'm reading the Lightning Thief. It's about greek mytholigy and a son of the big three who's being accused of stealing Zeuz's master lightning bolt.

  14. I am reading several books, including The Secret Garden, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and ImagineTown.

  15. samuel Retherferd Roofis Ratchford and BaggerMay 6, 2010 at 3:16 PM

    Wyatt and i are Reading the lighting thief, and really enjoy it.

  16. I'm reading Scorpia and it's about a guy named Alex Rider and he joins a group called Scorpia.

  17. Im reading a book called Gregor and the Code of Claw! its about a boy who is trying to save a underground place where animals are much bigger than they are in real life!

  18. I am reading a book called Ark Angel. It is about a hotel in space.
