Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Edward Tulane - Chapters 1-5

How does Edward think of himself? What evidence from the text supports your thinking?


  1. Here is my answer to the question....ikijfsdlkjflsdjfoijweoifjojidsflkwjeoifjowijdlkjfoij

  2. i accendently put it on the wronge thing sorry about that and the answer is that he feels selfish and on pg 9 it says that he only cared about himself.

  3. My answere to the question is that Edward feels highly of himself and on page 6 it says, "In all, Edward Tulane felt himself to be an exceptional specimen." I had so much fun today! :):):)

  4. I don't know but I bet it is good.

  5. He thought very good and proud of himself. Like Reagan said in the book on page 6 it said he felt himself to be an exceptional specimen. Our group is awesome!!!!! We had soo much fun!!! :) :) :)

  6. my answer is...
    stuck up because on page nine it said he only cared about himself

  7. My Answer Is.....
    he is very selfish and full of himself because it says all he cared about was himself on Pg. 9
    P.S. I LOVE the book it is sooo good if your not in Ms.Perryman's Book club you should read it
    P.S.S Ms.Perryman do you know if there is an A.R. test on it? If so can you tell me how many points it is?

  8. I think he thinks very highly of himself. On page 9 he thought only of himself. He thinks he's so great and no one else matters. Also, when Pellegrina told Abigail the story it was a selfish princess who was a mirror image of Edward.

  9. I think that he felt very full of himself and the evidence i found on page 6 was:
    He felt himself to be an exceptional specimen

  10. Ithink he thinks he i great quote on quote he said
    "what afigure I have cut"

  11. I think he is full of himself iI look dashing he says"

  12. I think he is a stuck up jerk that only cares about himself it says on page 9:)

  13. Felicias answer is: Edward thinks hes perfect, but when Miss.& Mr.tulane pretend to like him he gets MAD!!
    Page 9 for I think he cares WAY to much about himself

  14. I think he is a stuck up jerk who only cares about himself. It shows on page 9.

  15. sorry for my typo i is supposed tobe is

  16. Stuck up it said on pg.9

  17. This is fun!!! LOL

  18. Stuck up because on page nine its says that he only cares about himself

  19. The awnser is: That Edward thinks he is top of the world and that knowone is better than him.

  20. Edward thinks he is the king of the world because on page 9 it says he only cares about himself.

  21. he only only cares about himself on page 9.

  22. I think Edward is a spoiled brat that is so full of himself. He gets so much care and he always takes it for granted

  23. it is weird how a bunnie toy that can't move is so intresting.

  24. I agree with grant on the spoiled brat part about edward.

  25. he only cares about himself!

  26. Ms.Perryman,
    Are we soppuse to blog to you everyday? If we are sorry I wasn't bloging. Well Chapters 6~8 are about How edward is falling off the boat & how he needs his hat,& pocket watch. (So dramatic!!!) Edward was hopeing and hopeing that abline would find him, but dats past then weeks past, then months past and now he had prety much lost all his hppe that no one was going to find him. That very day he was Caught in a net. The fisher man gave to a elderly women named nellie. She was so excited! She had sucha good time with Edward.

  27. edward fells grand and proud. from he loves staring at his reflection in the moonlight
